Get Agreements Signed Faster
Ready-to-use templates let you focus on your work, not your paperwork.
Get Agreements Signed Faster
Ready-to-use templates let you focus on your work, not your paperwork.
Dropbox Sign API 기능
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Accelerate Your Document Workflow with the Template Gallery in Dropbox Sign
The Template Gallery in Dropbox Sign provides immediate access to a pre-built collection of over 40 essential templates tailored to your most common document needs. This feature saves you time and effort by eliminating the need to create templates from scratch. With a user-friendly design and a streamlined process, the Template Gallery enhances efficiency, allowing you to focus more on high-impact work and less on administrative tasks.
The Template Gallery in Dropbox Sign provides immediate access to a pre-built collection of over 40 essential templates tailored to your most common document needs. This feature saves you time and effort by eliminating the need to create templates from scratch. With a user-friendly design and a streamlined process, the Template Gallery enhances efficiency, allowing you to focus more on high-impact work and less on administrative tasks.
The Template Gallery in Dropbox Sign provides immediate access to a pre-built collection of over 40 essential templates tailored to your most common document needs. This feature saves you time and effort by eliminating the need to create templates from scratch. With a user-friendly design and a streamlined process, the Template Gallery enhances efficiency, allowing you to focus more on high-impact work and less on administrative tasks.
Two Ways to Enhance Your Workflow
- Access Pre-Built Templates: quickly select from a variety of pre-built templates for contracts, NDAs, onboarding forms, and more.
- Create Your Own Templates: For those who prefer, you can transform your frequently used documents into custom templates for seamless reuse in signature requests.
- Access Pre-Built Templates: quickly select from a variety of pre-built templates for contracts, NDAs, onboarding forms, and more.
- Create Your Own Templates: For those who prefer, you can transform your frequently used documents into custom templates for seamless reuse in signature requests.
- Access Pre-Built Templates: quickly select from a variety of pre-built templates for contracts, NDAs, onboarding forms, and more.
- Create Your Own Templates: For those who prefer, you can transform your frequently used documents into custom templates for seamless reuse in signature requests.
How the Template Gallery saves you time
- Ready-to-Use Templates: instantly access over 40 essential templates for HR, Sales, Real Estate, and general business needs.
- Customization Made Simple: pre-built fields allow for easy customization, eliminating the need for manual data entry.
- Streamlined Workflows: Templates minimize duplicative work and enable teams to easily customize NDAs, purchase orders, and other standard documents in a few clicks
- Ready-to-Use Templates: instantly access over 40 essential templates for HR, Sales, Real Estate, and general business needs.
- Customization Made Simple: pre-built fields allow for easy customization, eliminating the need for manual data entry.
- Streamlined Workflows: Templates minimize duplicative work and enable teams to easily customize NDAs, purchase orders, and other standard documents in a few clicks
- Ready-to-Use Templates: instantly access over 40 essential templates for HR, Sales, Real Estate, and general business needs.
- Customization Made Simple: pre-built fields allow for easy customization, eliminating the need for manual data entry.
- Streamlined Workflows: Templates minimize duplicative work and enable teams to easily customize NDAs, purchase orders, and other standard documents in a few clicks
Who Benefits from the Template Gallery?
- Sales Teams: close deals faster with pre-built templates for contracts, NDAs, and sales agreements. Focus on building relationships and driving revenue instead of repetitive document creation.
- HR Professionals: simplify onboarding with job offers, policy acknowledgments, and employee agreements. Spend more time developing talent and less time managing paperwork.
- Self-Employed Professionals & SMBs: Simplify client agreements, invoices, and service contracts with ready-to-use templates that save time and keep your business moving forward.
- Sales Teams: close deals faster with pre-built templates for contracts, NDAs, and sales agreements. Focus on building relationships and driving revenue instead of repetitive document creation.
- HR Professionals: simplify onboarding with job offers, policy acknowledgments, and employee agreements. Spend more time developing talent and less time managing paperwork.
- Self-Employed Professionals & SMBs: Simplify client agreements, invoices, and service contracts with ready-to-use templates that save time and keep your business moving forward.
- Sales Teams: close deals faster with pre-built templates for contracts, NDAs, and sales agreements. Focus on building relationships and driving revenue instead of repetitive document creation.
- HR Professionals: simplify onboarding with job offers, policy acknowledgments, and employee agreements. Spend more time developing talent and less time managing paperwork.
- Self-Employed Professionals & SMBs: Simplify client agreements, invoices, and service contracts with ready-to-use templates that save time and keep your business moving forward.
시간을 절약해 주는 Dropbox Sign 템플릿
문서를 손쉽게 양식으로 만들어 매번 빠르고 간편하게 전송하세요.
소득금액증명원, 기밀유지서약서 등 반복적으로 사용하는 표준 문서를 선택합니다.
1. 문서 업로드
소득금액증명원, 기밀유지서약서 등 반복적으로 사용하는 표준 문서를 선택합니다.
클라이언트, 임대인, 비즈니스 소유자, 직원 등으로 서명인의 '역할'을 지정합니다.
2. 서명인 선택
클라이언트, 임대인, 비즈니스 소유자, 직원 등으로 서명인의 '역할'을 지정합니다.
역할별로 정보를 작성해야 하는 곳에 서명 필드를 끌어옵니다.
3. 서명인 필드 배치
역할별로 정보를 작성해야 하는 곳에 서명 필드를 끌어옵니다.
이 양식을 템플릿으로 저장해놓으면 문서를 매번 새로 만들 필요 없이 빠르고 간편하게 반복해서 사용할 수 있습니다.
4. 저장, 전송, 재사용
이 양식을 템플릿으로 저장해놓으면 문서를 매번 새로 만들 필요 없이 빠르고 간편하게 반복해서 사용할 수 있습니다.
여러분이 일하는 곳이라면 어디든 찾아가는
Dropbox Sign
Dropbox Sign을 즐겨 사용하는 생산성 도구와 통합해 앱 전환 없이 사용 중인 도구에서 바로 서명을 요청하세요.
자주 묻는 질문
Is the Dropbox Sign Template Gallery available as part of a free plan?
Can I create my own templates?
How do I access the Template Gallery?
양식 템플릿은 사람들에게 어떤 이점을 가져다주나요?
더 많은 기능 보기
워크플로에 삽입된 전자 서명의 가치를 확인하세요.
Dropbox Sign 템플릿으로 문서를 준비해 그 어느 때보다 빠르게 서명을 완료하세요.
*면책 사항
이 문서는 Dropbox Sign 사용자의 편의를 위한 시작하기 안내서로 제공됩니다. 템플릿 사용이 면허를 가진 변호사의 법률 자문을 대체할 수 없으며, 이에 따라 본 문서에 포함된 정보를 법률 자문으로 해석해서는 안 됩니다. 법률은 각각의 법적 관할권에 따라 다르고 사용자의 위치 또는 상황에 따라 다르게 해석되거나 적용될 수 있기 때문에, 특정 상황과 관련해 먼저 변호사와 상의하지 않고 여기에 제공된 자료에 의존해서는 안 됩니다. Dropbox Sign은 템플릿 또는 템플릿을 사용해 작성된 문서의 법적 집행 가능성이나 효력에 대해 어떠한 진술도 하지 않습니다.