Guía internacional de validez legal de las firmas electrónicas de Dropbox Sign
En general, las firmas electrónicas se consideran legalmente vinculantes en todo el mundo. En esta guía te proporcionamos información específica sobre su legalidad en distintos países.
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Overview of eSignature Legality in China
China has legally recognized eSignatures since 2004 with The PRC Electronic Signature Law. Under this act, eSignatures are viewed as the same level of validity as pen and paper signatures when the appropriate requirements are taken.
Legislación sobre firmas electrónicas
The PRC Electronic Signature Law regulates the legality and admissibility of eSignatures.
¿Las firmas electrónicas son legales, admisibles y ejecutables?
Resumen de la legislación
eSignatures in China are broadly defined as “the data in electronic form contained in and attached to a data message to be used for identifying the identity of the signatory and for showing that the signatory recognizes what is in the message.” The following guidelines must be met for an eSignature to be valid:
- eSignature is identifiable and only controlled by signatory
- Any alterations to the signed document can be detected
In certain cases, when a third party electronic verification is needed, both parties must provide relevant information and documentation.
Restricciones importantes
eSignatures are not recommended for:
- Adoption documents
- Inheritance documents ie transfer of land or real estate
- Contracts terminating utility services
- Marriage licenses
Aviso legal: Esta información está destinada a fines de información general solamente. Su objetivo es ayudar a las empresas a comprender el marco jurídico utilizado para la legalidad de la firma electrónica. En ningún caso se presenta como asesoramiento jurídico y no debe ser un sustituto del asesoramiento jurídico profesional. Ponte en contacto con abogado para obtener servicios de asesoramiento o representación.