Guía internacional de validez legal de las firmas electrónicas de Dropbox Sign
En general, las firmas electrónicas se consideran legalmente vinculantes en todo el mundo. En esta guía te proporcionamos información específica sobre su legalidad en distintos países.
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Overview of eSignature Legality in Canada
Canada has legally recognized eSignatures by province since 1998 with the Uniform Electronic Commerce Act (UECA). All Canadian provinces and territories other than Quebec comply with this act. The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) which passed in 2004 recognizes eSignatures on a federal level.
Legislación sobre firmas electrónicas
UECA and PIPEDA state that eSignatures are permissible and hold the same status as pen and paper signatures.
¿Las firmas electrónicas son legales, admisibles y ejecutables?
Resumen de la legislación
An eSignature is broadly defined as “information in electronic form that a person has created or adopted in order to sign a document and that is in, attached to or associated with the document.” eSignatures are valid as long as both parties agree to this form of signing along with the following guidelines:
- eSignature is unique and identifiable to the signer
- Software used can track the requested signatory signed
- Any alterations to the signed document can be detected
Restricciones importantes
eSignatures are not recommended for:
- Wills
- Real estate agreements
- Court orders and notices
- Any documents needing notarization
- Adoption documents
- Divorce agreements
Aviso legal: Esta información está destinada a fines de información general solamente. Su objetivo es ayudar a las empresas a comprender el marco jurídico utilizado para la legalidad de la firma electrónica. En ningún caso se presenta como asesoramiento jurídico y no debe ser un sustituto del asesoramiento jurídico profesional. Ponte en contacto con abogado para obtener servicios de asesoramiento o representación.