Creating a Free Digital Signature
How to create a digital signature
Creating a Free Digital Signature
How to create a digital signature

Dropbox Sign API features
Download the Dropbox Sign mobile signature app
To get started, click the ‘Download’ link below to install the app from the App Store. After the app is downloaded on your phone, simply log in with your Dropbox Sign credentials or click ‘Sign Up’ if you’re new to Dropbox Sign. Now, you’re ready to start sending agreements for signature from your phone!

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Upload a .png, jpeg, or .bmp format image. Max size, 50TB
Use Dropbox Sign to create a digital signature
The term Digital signature refers to a complex method for authenticating a document, to verify that it hasn’t been tampered with during transit between sender and signer. It is separate from the term ‘electronic signature’. Dropbox Sign enables you to do both, at the same time.
Sign PDFs, Word, Excel, PowerPoint and other documents securely with digital signatures
Dropbox Sign offers a simple, easy-to-use and free eSignature software that allows you to sign documents in PDF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint and more with digital signatures embedded in them for security and protection.

Dropbox Sign offers a simple, easy-to-use and free eSignature software that allows you to sign documents in PDF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint and more with digital signatures embedded in them for security and protection.

Dropbox Sign offers a simple, easy-to-use and free eSignature software that allows you to sign documents in PDF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint and more with digital signatures embedded in them for security and protection.
The benefits of using Dropbox Sign for digital signature creation
Beyond making it fast and simple to sign a document, here are a few other added perks of using Dropbox Sign to sign documents online:
Added security for your documents.
Added security for your documents. Features like digital signatures, time-stamped audit trails, document passcodes and bank-level protection of sensitive information give you extra peace of mind.

Added security for your documents. Features like digital signatures, time-stamped audit trails, document passcodes and bank-level protection of sensitive information give you extra peace of mind.

Added security for your documents. Features like digital signatures, time-stamped audit trails, document passcodes and bank-level protection of sensitive information give you extra peace of mind.
Easy organisation for your files
Copies of your signed documents automatically save to your Dropbox Sign account, for easy document access. You can also save to one of the apps we integrate with, such as Box, Dropbox, Evernote or many more.

Copies of your signed documents automatically save to your Dropbox Sign account, for easy document access. You can also save to one of the apps we integrate with, such as Box, Dropbox, Evernote or many more.

Copies of your signed documents automatically save to your Dropbox Sign account, for easy document access. You can also save to one of the apps we integrate with, such as Box, Dropbox, Evernote or many more.
Automated alerts and reminders
Did you forget to sign a document that’s been sent to you? No worries! Automated reminder emails will give you the gentle nudge you need. You’ll also receive email notifications when others view, open or sign a document you’ve sent out for signature.

Did you forget to sign a document that’s been sent to you? No worries! Automated reminder emails will give you the gentle nudge you need. You’ll also receive email notifications when others view, open or sign a document you’ve sent out for signature.

Did you forget to sign a document that’s been sent to you? No worries! Automated reminder emails will give you the gentle nudge you need. You’ll also receive email notifications when others view, open or sign a document you’ve sent out for signature.
Dropbox Sign meets you where you work
Integrate Dropbox Sign with your favourite productivity tools to send documents for signature without switching applications.
Frequently asked questions
How do you create a digital signature?
What are the benefits of digital signatures?
What are digital signatures used for?
What’s the difference between an electronic and digital signature?
See more features
Discover the value of eSignatures in your workflow
An eSignature (electronic signature) lets people sign documents online, find out how Dropbox Sign can help.
Dropbox Sign allows you to create electronic signatures in Word documents, for free. Find out how easy it is to electronically sign Word documents here.
Sign and fill PDFs easily with Dropbox Sign. Discover how to sign a PDF and share in a matter of clicks. Simple, secure and compliant. Try it today!