Instacart 帶來完全以行動裝置為主的入職體驗
Instacart 提供高度個人化的雜貨當日送達服務,滿足每位顧客不同的需求。目前此服務在美國 47 州提供。

Instacart 隨時都有超過一萬名的簽約「個人代購者」待命,準備好處理 Instacart 顧客所需的雜貨購物、包裝和外送工作。Instacart 帶領新的代購者入職時,最初是採用傳統的紙本簽名方式。但對於新的承包方來說,申請程序十分難用。
Instacart Co-Founder Max Mullen 表示:「使用舊系統時,註冊和入職程序之間有不小的衝突。我們請辦公室員工掃描所有文件,也負責管理文書作業填寫的處理程序。我們還沒等到合格的服務供應者首度展開代購,就已經先不斷流失這些人才。既然想要擴大經營,這就不是長久之道。」
此外,入職程序包含許多文書作業,而很多文件上要求填寫的資訊彼此重複 (例如填寫名字)。若申請人使用的是行動裝置,有較高的可能性會因此放棄申請。入職文件有些會以 PDF 格式提供,使用手機瀏覽格外不易。
“Dropbox Forms [formerly HelloWorks] has significantly improved our completion rate for onboarding shoppers over our previous PDF and email-based system. Allowing paperwork completion to be done in-app has made the onboarding experience seamless for Shopper applicants."
Instacart 從一開始便知道入職程序的重要性,因此在挑選合適的電子簽章 API 時十分挑剔。Instacart 共同創辦人 Max Mullen 對此表示:「我們非常清楚自己需要什麼樣的電子簽章 API。首先,我們心目中的 API 必須簡潔又現代,如今許多電子簽章 API 都很老舊,不適合我們。再者,我們需要將 API 流暢整合至產品,讓使用者體驗盡可能展現品牌特色。我們想找的 API,希望是由和我們同樣重視使用者體驗的團隊所打造。」
“At the end of the day we chose Dropbox Sign [formerly HelloSign] because it was the best combination of these features, price and user experience,” Max shared. After the successful implementation of HelloSign API, Instacart was happy with the upgrade to paperless onboarding, but they still wanted a more streamlined approach for onboarding to keep the contractor pipeline full and healthy.
They chose HelloWorks because, as Instacart's Product Manager Bill Babeaux says, “Bringing paperwork in app through Dropbox Forms [formerly HelloWorks] is a critical part of a large multi-team project that allows Instacart to onboard shoppers without constant manual involvement.”
完成速度提升 270%
藉由 HelloWorks 的協助,Instacart 的申請完成率大幅提升,進入註冊程序並最後確實在 Instacart 平台上購物的人數達到三倍之多。Instacart 產品經理 Bill Babeaux 表示:「HelloWorks 讓 Instacart 能為顧客創造零阻礙的新手上路體驗。顧客初次使用時所需進行的所有步驟,全都完整涵蓋在應用程式中。要是沒有 HelloWorks 解決方案,一定沒辦法成功達到這種效果。」
飛快的 API 實作速度,加快看到實際成果
Instacart 選擇了具備簡潔明瞭的文件記錄和自助註冊功能的現代化 API,因此得以迅速上軌道。公司的開發人員發現,HelloSign API 的編碼和實作過程簡單無比,只需花費一丁點時間,而且並未碰到任何困難。實作速度如此飛快,讓開發人員能夠用更快的速度加大代購者的入職規模。Instacart 共同創辦人 Max Mullen 表示:「這個專案從構思到推出,花的時間不滿一週。一位開發人員不到兩天就能將 API 整合完畢。」
With the Dropbox Sign API Instacart has digitized individual documents that previously required printing and scanning. The API allows Instacart to take the Shopper information provided during the sign-up process and use it to automatically populate all the necessary paperwork, generate a set of personalized PDFs, and then send out the finished documents for the Shopper to electronically sign. With fields like “name” and “address” automatically filled in, redundant steps are eliminated, as is the friction that previously caused applicant drop-off.
HelloWorks allows Instacart to deliver an adaptive experience for Shoppers using mobile devices. They have eliminated redundant data entry, as data is now automatically funneled to the right spots. The onboarding process is now a holistic workflow rather than a series of independent documents.
Data entered immediately flows into the Instacart database rather than getting locked in the completed PDF. With the high volume of Shoppers Instacart was onboarding, HelloWorks was able to save the Instacart team more than 50 hours per week. It was exactly what Instacart needed to automatically guide applicants successfully through onboarding. “Bringing paperwork in app through Dropbox Forms is a critical part of a large multi-team project that allows Instacart to onboard Shoppers without constant manual involvement,” Instacart's Product Manager Bill Babeaux explained.

Instacart 的下一步
“As a result of our collaboration with Dropbox Forms, Instacart’s shopper onboarding process is now substantially more efficient, a huge boon in the company’s efforts to reach 80% of the US households by the end of 2018.” - Bill Babeaux, Product Manager at Instacart
Ask Us About Dropbox Forms!
Dropbox Forms dramatically increases the speed, accuracy, and rate of completion for documents (agreements, forms, contracts, etc.). Intelligent mobile-first forms, not PDFs, guide users through document workflows without seeing unrelated questions or asking for repetitive information (like “Name”). Best of all, data from completed forms gets automatically entered into your third-party systems.