Guida alla legalità internazionale della firma elettronica con Dropbox Sign
Le firme elettroniche sono riconosciute come legalmente vincolanti in molti Paesi del mondo. Scopri di più sulla legalità della firma elettronica nei vari Paesi con questa guida.
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Overview of eSignature Legality in Mexico
There is no eSignature specific law in Mexico, however the country recognizes eSignatures as long as it satisfies requirements stated in Mexico’s Commerce Code.
Legge sulla firma elettronica
No specific law on eSignatures, however the Federal Civil Code and Federal Commercial Code cover the use and enforceability of electronic signatures.
Le firme elettroniche sono legali, ammissibili e giuridicamente applicabili?
La legge in breve
Mexico has a tiered eSignature legal model and recognizes digital signatures as a distinct type of eSignature.
A contract is generally valid when the parties reach an agreement that is expressed verbally, in writing, by electronic means, or by any other technology, or by unambiguous signs.
In some stances when the digital signatures are required, they need to meet the following criteria to be equivalent to handwritten signatures.
- The signature creation data is, within the context in which they are used, linked exclusively to the signatory
- The signature creation data is, at the time of signing, under the exclusive control of the signatory and of no other person
- Any alteration to the electronic signature, made after the time of signing, is detectable
- Any alteration made to the information (to which e-signature relates) after the time of signing is detectable
For an advanced eSignature (AES), the document must be certified by an authorized issuer of the Mexican government.
The tiered eSignature legal model in Mexico allows companies to select the type of eSignatures to use while conducting their business.
Principali restrizioni
eSignatures are not recommended for:
- Documents requiring notarization
- Tax related documents
- Mortgage documents
Dichiarazione di non responsabilità: le presente informazioni vengono fornite a mero titolo informativo. Si deve intendere come un aiuto fornito alle società per comprendere il framework legale utilizzato per la legalità delle firme elettroniche. Non è da intendersi come una consulenza legale e non dovrebbe sostituire una consulenza legale professionale. Consulta un avvocato con licenza per ricevere consulenza o rappresentanza legali.