Dropbox Sign-guide om internationell legalitet för e-signaturer
E-signaturer är allmänt erkända som juridiskt bindande i världen. Läs mer om e-signaturens legalitet i olika länder i den här vägledningen.
Välj land
Overview of eSignature Legality in Hong Kong
Hong Kong has legally recognized electronic signatures particularly for online transactions since 2000. The Electronic Transactions Ordinance (Cap. 553) ("ETO"), which was enacted in January 2000 and updated in June 2004, provides the legal framework for the recognition of electronic records and signatures, giving them the same legal status as their paper counterparts.
The ETO defines that any information shall not be denied legal effect, validity or enforceability on the ground that it is wholly or partly in an electronic form.
Electronic signature law
Electronic Transactions Ordinance provides for legal recognition of electronic messages
in commercial transactions
Are eSignatures legal, admissible, and enforceable?
Summary of law
An eSignature is broadly defined as any letters, characters, numbers or other symbols in digital form attached to or logically associated with an electronic record, and executed or adopted for the purpose of authenticating or approving the electronic record.
Some attributes of an e-signature:
- The method used is reliable, and is appropriate, for the purpose for which the information contained in the document is communicated
- The signatory must attach or logically associate the electronic signature with an electronic record, in such a way as to identify themselves or indicate their approval of the contents of the record;
- All the involved parties involved must have a consent to the use of an electronic signature
Hong Kong has tiered eSignature laws that recognize standard eSignatures as legal and enforceable while giving digital signatures the same legal status as handwritten signatures.
Viktiga begränsningar
According to the Electronic Transactions Ordinance, eSignatures shall not apply to the following transactions or documents:
- The creation of will, codicil or any other testamentary document
- Power of attorney
- The creation of trusts or deeds
- Negotiable instruments
- Government conditions of grant and Government leases.
- Oaths and affidavits.
- Statutory declarations
Friskrivningsklausul: Denna information är endast avsedd för allmänna informationsändamål. Den är avsedd att hjälpa företag att förstå den rättsliga ram som används för elektriska signaturers rättsgiltighet. Den är inte avsedd som juridisk rådgivning och bör inte ersätta professionell juridisk rådgivning. Kontakta en auktoriserad advokat för juridisk rådgivning eller företrädande.