2022년 Startup Grind의 Dropbox Sign: 인간적인 면모를 유지하면서 스타트업을 확장하는 법
One thing’s for certain, startups don’t have it easy. With so many things to learn, processes to set up, and people to manage—growing from a small seed to a big tree takes a lot of work.
To help startups learn how to expand their business without losing sight of the people behind it, Dropbox Sign spoke at Startup Grind 2022 to share expertise, experience, and insights for startups that are looking to grow.
In the video, Jessica Day of Dropbox Sign and Lily Zhang of InstaCart discuss how to scale your startup while remaining focused on the human side of running a business.
They also share great resources and tips about growing your team, so check out the video for valuable advice on growing your company.
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