Dropbox Sign 国际电子签名合法性指南
Overview of eSignature Legality in Iceland
Iceland has legally recognized electronic signatures since 2001 with the Icelandic Act on Electronic Signatures.
Electronic Signature Law
The Icelandic Act on Electronic Signatures states eSignatures are permissible for transactions as long as both parties agree. In certain cases, additional documentation is needed to prove a valid contract.
Are eSignatures legal, admissible, and enforceable?
Summary of Law
An eSignature is broadly defined as “data in electronic form which are attached to or logically associated with other electronic data and which are used to authenticate the origin of the latter data.” Iceland recognizes the 3 tiers of eSignatures as Standard, Advanced, and Qualified.
普通电子签名 (SES) 是指逻辑上与其他电子数据(如文档)相连的电子数据。电子数据的签字人使用该方法进行文档签名。许多电子工具,包括密码、PIN 码和扫描的签名,都可以视为 SES。
高级电子签名 (AES) 必须确保签名唯一指向签字人,且能识别签字人的身份。必须使用高度保密且必须在签字人唯一控制权下使用的电子签名生成数据来生成签名。
A qualified electronic signature (QES) is a stricter form of AES and the only signature type given the same legal value as handwritten signatures. It is an advanced electronic signature with a qualified digital certificate that has been created by a qualified signature creation device (QSCD).
Key Restrictions
According to the Icelandic Act on Electronic Signatures, the tier of eSignatures is required based on the type of transaction or document.
- SES is permissible for HR documents, sales transactions, and commercial agreements.
- QES is required for employment documents, wills, financial statements, marriage licenses, and real estate documents.