Instacart 提供完全移动优先的引导体验
Instacart 提供高度个性化的当日杂货配送服务,可满足每位客户的个性化需求。目前他们在美国 47 个州提供这项服务。

每时每刻 Instacart 都会有一万多名“个人购物者”与其签订合同,为 Instacart 客户处理杂货的购物、包装和交付事宜。最初,Instacart 依靠传统的纸笔签名来完成新购物者引导流程。但新订约人的申请流程非常繁琐。
“使用旧系统时,注册和引导流程存在相当大的摩擦。办公室工作人员需扫描所有文档并管理完成文书工作的流程。在一些符合条件的服务提供商甚至还没有完成第一笔订单之前,我们就已经失去了他们。这显然不是一种可持续的模式,因为我们希望扩大业务规模。”Instacart 联合创始人 Max Mullen 说道。
此外,由于引导流程涉及多个文档(许多文档要求重复提供诸如“姓名”之类的信息),因此使用移动设备的申请人流失的风险更高。引导文档还采用 PDF 格式,这使得使用手机浏览特别费劲。
“Dropbox Forms [formerly HelloWorks] has significantly improved our completion rate for onboarding shoppers over our previous PDF and email-based system. Allowing paperwork completion to be done in-app has made the onboarding experience seamless for Shopper applicants."
从一开始,Instacart 就意识到引导流程至关重要,于是开始以挑剔的眼光挑选合适的电子签名 API。就像 Instacart 联合创始人 Max Mullen 所解释的那样,“我们非常清楚我们对电子签名 API 有怎样的期望。首先,它需要是简洁的新款 API。如今许多现有的电子签名 API 都已过时,根本不适合我们使用。其次,我们需要能够将 API 无缝集成到我们的产品中,以使用户体验尽可能贴近我们的品牌。我们希望拥有一款由和我们一样重视用户体验的团队构建的 API。”
“At the end of the day we chose Dropbox Sign [formerly HelloSign] because it was the best combination of these features, price and user experience,” Max shared. After the successful implementation of HelloSign API, Instacart was happy with the upgrade to paperless onboarding, but they still wanted a more streamlined approach for onboarding to keep the contractor pipeline full and healthy.
They chose HelloWorks because, as Instacart's Product Manager Bill Babeaux says, “Bringing paperwork in app through Dropbox Forms [formerly HelloWorks] is a critical part of a large multi-team project that allows Instacart to onboard shoppers without constant manual involvement.”
完成速度加快 270%
借助 HelloWorks,Instacart 的申请完成率大幅提高,开始注册流程并最终在 Instacart 平台上购物的人数增加了三倍。“使用 HelloWorks 使得 Instacart 能够为我们的购物者打造无缝式引导体验。现在,购物者开始购物所需执行的所有步骤都包含在应用中,不使用 HelloWorks 解决方案根本无法完成。”Instacart 产品经理 Bill Babeaux 说道。
快速实施 API 能更快提供成果
选择具有简洁清晰的文档和自助注册功能的现代 API 帮助 Instacart 快速走上了正轨。他们的开发人员发现使用 HelloSign API 进行编码和实施非常容易,需要的时间更少,并且没有带来任何挑战。这种实施速度使他们能够更快地扩展购物者引导流程。“项目从构思到启动还不到一周。一位开发人员只用了不到两天的时间就集成了这个 API。”Instacart 联合创始人 Max Mullen 说道。
With the Dropbox Sign API Instacart has digitized individual documents that previously required printing and scanning. The API allows Instacart to take the Shopper information provided during the sign-up process and use it to automatically populate all the necessary paperwork, generate a set of personalized PDFs, and then send out the finished documents for the Shopper to electronically sign. With fields like “name” and “address” automatically filled in, redundant steps are eliminated, as is the friction that previously caused applicant drop-off.
HelloWorks allows Instacart to deliver an adaptive experience for Shoppers using mobile devices. They have eliminated redundant data entry, as data is now automatically funneled to the right spots. The onboarding process is now a holistic workflow rather than a series of independent documents.
Data entered immediately flows into the Instacart database rather than getting locked in the completed PDF. With the high volume of Shoppers Instacart was onboarding, HelloWorks was able to save the Instacart team more than 50 hours per week. It was exactly what Instacart needed to automatically guide applicants successfully through onboarding. “Bringing paperwork in app through Dropbox Forms is a critical part of a large multi-team project that allows Instacart to onboard Shoppers without constant manual involvement,” Instacart's Product Manager Bill Babeaux explained.

Instacart 的下一步行动
“As a result of our collaboration with Dropbox Forms, Instacart’s shopper onboarding process is now substantially more efficient, a huge boon in the company’s efforts to reach 80% of the US households by the end of 2018.” - Bill Babeaux, Product Manager at Instacart
Ask Us About Dropbox Forms!
Dropbox Forms dramatically increases the speed, accuracy, and rate of completion for documents (agreements, forms, contracts, etc.). Intelligent mobile-first forms, not PDFs, guide users through document workflows without seeing unrelated questions or asking for repetitive information (like “Name”). Best of all, data from completed forms gets automatically entered into your third-party systems.