Schedule time with a solution expert

Find out how the Dropbox Sign API can be customized to meet your business needs. Our team can help you design a solution to automate document signing workflows with dedicated implementation and support services.

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Safe, secure, and certified

The security and privacy of customer data is our top priority. All documents are tamperproof and paired with a complete audit trail. Documents and data in Dropbox Sign are encrypted and compliant with ISO 27001, SOC 2 Type II, HIPAA, eIDAS, and GDPR. Additional security features like two-factor authentication, signer identity verification (eID), SSO, signer access codes, and data validation are also available — ensuring signers are who they say they are.

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“The goal of Greenhouse Onboarding is to create an automated and seamless experience for new hires to become productive and active members of the company faster. Dropbox Sign’s eSignature integration serves as an important part of this to provide our customers with a seamless and uninterrupted onboarding experience.”
Aaron Gibralter
Director of Product Engineering, Greenhouse
“Sebab utama kami memilih Dropbox Sign adalah kerana tahap fungsinya yang intuitif dan bersepadu yang dibawa kepada pelanggan kami dan kemudahan yang boleh kami sepadukan. Kami dapat membuktikan dan benar-benar menghantar eTandatangan daripada aplikasi kami dalam kira-kira setengah hari."
Matt Peebles
Sr. Software Engineer, Crelate
“Dropbox Sign has helped our customers completely remove the paper, scanning, and upload process. Everything is more streamlined—it’s as simple as having the documents available, sending them where they need to go, and waiting for a signature to come back.”
Elisabeth Schaffalitzky
Customer Success Team Lead, Bizimply
"Kami memilih Dropbox Sign kerana pelanggan kami bergantung pada pihak berkuasa yang dipercayai untuk menyediakan keselamatan tertinggi maklumat pasaran, audit kalis campur tangan yang terperinci dan jejak pengesahan serta keterlihatan dalam proses eTandatangan."
Rebecca Kacaba
CEO (Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif) dan Pengasas Bersama, DealMaker