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Integrate with an eSignature solution trusted by thousands of HR professionals

Accelerate onboarding & recruiting workflows for HR professionals with the Dropbox Sign API, an award-winning eSignature API you can fully customize and integrate in hours, not months.

Give teams time back to focus on what they do best

<2.5 days

Average time to implement with 1 developer


reduction in time it takes to get contracts signed


decrease in time spent on admin work

Pick the integration that’s right for you

Embedded workflow

Keep your customers in your product by embedding the signing workflow directly on your site or app. Create a seamless user experience by customizing it with your brand’s logo and colors. Contact us for help with a custom integration build.

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Non-embedded workflow

Direct your customers to sign documents securely on Dropbox Sign. Signers will be notified of a signature request via email and can then sign from anywhere on desktop or mobile.

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Built-in features your HR teams will love

Businesses big and small already rely on Dropbox Sign with their most important HR documents. When you integrate with Dropbox Sign, HR teams can access these features without leaving your product.

Complete onboarding paperwork up to 3X faster
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Set up automation so onboarding documents that need to be signed are sent the moment an offer is accepted. Candidates can also sign from anywhere, on any device.

Reduce HR admin with Templates
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HR teams can create their own templates from frequently sent documents like offer letters and manage them directly on your site or app.

Collect signatures faster with Bulk Send
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With Bulk Send, HR teams can send out individual signature requests to a large list of recipients with a single click.

Lampiran penanda tangan
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HR teams can seamlessly request and collect file attachments from their employees as part of the signature request, which helps keep employee information in one central place.

Organized multi-party signing
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For documents where multiple parties can sign, you have the option to also specify the signing order for seamless approval workflows.

Safe, secure, and certified

The security and privacy of customer data is our top priority. All documents are tamperproof and paired with a complete audit trail. Documents and data in Dropbox Sign are encrypted and compliant with ISO 27001, SOC 2 Type II, HIPAA, eIDAS, and GDPR. Additional security features like two-factor authentication, signer identity verification (eID), SSO, signer access codes, and data validation are also available — ensuring signers are who they say they are.

Straightforward eSignature API designed for developers

Building eSignatures with ever-evolving security and compliance regulations can get complicated. Dropbox Sign does all the heavy lifting with clear documentation, quick start guides, SDKs in multiple languages and a feature-rich test mode — so you can launch with peace of mind in hours, not weeks.

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logo greenhouselogo dealmaker
logo greenhouse
“The goal of Greenhouse Onboarding is to create an automated and seamless experience for new hires to become productive and active members of the company faster. Dropbox Sign’s eSignature integration serves as an important part of this to provide our customers with a seamless and uninterrupted onboarding experience.”
Aaron Gibralter
Director of Product Engineering, Greenhouse
“Alasan utama kami memilih Dropbox Sign adalah tingkat fungsionalitas intuitif dan terintegrasi yang diberikan kepada pelanggan kami serta kemudahan dalam integrasi. Kami dapat memperoleh bukti konsep dan benar-benar mengirimkan tanda tangan elektronik dari aplikasi kami dalam waktu sekitar setengah hari.”
Matt Peebles
Sr. Software Engineer, Crelate
“Dropbox Sign has helped our customers completely remove the paper, scanning, and upload process. Everything is more streamlined—it’s as simple as having the documents available, sending them where they need to go, and waiting for a signature to come back.”
Elisabeth Schaffalitzky
Customer Success Team Lead, Bizimply
"Kami memilih Dropbox Sign karena pelanggan kami mengandalkan otoritas yang tepercaya untuk menyediakan keamanan informasi terbaik, riwayat audit dan autentikasi yang tidak bisa dimodifikasi, dan informasi lengkap tentang proses tanda tangan elektronik."
Rebecca Kacaba
CEO dan Co-Founder, DealMaker

Bekerjalah dengan pemimpin tanda tangan elektronik yang dapat berkembang bersama Anda

Jadwalkan waktu dengan pakar solusi

Cari tahu bagaimana Dropbox Sign API dapat disesuaikan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan bisnis Anda. Tim kami dapat membantu merancang solusi untuk mengotomatiskan alur kerja penandatanganan dokumen dengan layanan implementasi dan dukungan khusus.

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