Dropbox Sign Standard: eSignatures for Dropbox customers
Send, sign, and store your team’s important documents without ever leaving Dropbox.
Special offer exclusively for Dropbox customers. Terms apply.*
Begynd at skrive under i Dropbox
Simply choose a document from your team’s Dropbox account and add signers for a signature request.
Share reusable templates
Turn your team’s most frequently used documents—such as NDAs, SOWs, and contracts—into accessible, reusable templates to share and send.
Automatisk lagring og meddelelser
Choose a Dropbox folder where your team can have signed documents automatically saved, and track the document’s status from sending to signing.
Exclusive savings
As a Dropbox customer, add eSignatures to your account for 70% off your first year*.
Gennemsigtig prisfastsættelse
Køb 2 til 4 brugere online
Kontakt os, hvis du har flere end 4 brugere
Dropbox' effektivitet overført til e-signaturer
Med én integreret arbejdsgang til organisering, lagring og underskrift af dokumenter vil du og dit team aldrig gå glip af noget. Funktioner som automatisk lagring og meddelelser sikrer, at I alle er opdaterede.
Få ét struktureret sted til alle dine vigtige arbejdsgange.
Med brugervenlige løsninger, der kan forbindes til de samme værktøjer, som du bruger til daglig, kan du nu udføre alt dit arbejde i ét integreret arbejdsområde. Her er nogle af vores partnere inden for produktivitet:
Opgrader dit teams Microsoft-værktøjssæt ved at indbygge eSignatures direkte i din SharePoint-arbejdsgang. Nu kan du samarbejde, opbevare og underskrive dokumenter ét sted.
Integrate Dropbox Sign with HubSpot CRM to request signatures, track lifecycle status, and manage contracts out for signature.
Integrer eSignatures i din Salesforce-arbejdsgang i løbet af dage, ikke uger. Optimer din salgsproces og få kontrakter underskrevet uden nogensinde at forlade Salesforce.
* By accepting the offer, you’ll agree to the Offer Terms: You’ll receive 70% off for one year of Dropbox Sign Standard when you make a direct purchase. After that and until you cancel your subscription, billing will resume at the regular price until you cancel. This offer cannot be combined with other promotions or be applied if a coupon is currently associated with your account. You can only use the offer if you received it from Dropbox Sign. Valid for self-serve subscriptions up to 4 licenses: for additional licenses and deal terms, contact sales.. This offer is only available to redeem until 12/31/22 at 11:59pm PST. If you change your plan, you’ll lose this promotion. Previous charges won’t be refunded when you cancel unless legally required.